Sunday, May 6, 2012


Picture with me if you will a man named Doing, and a man name Waiting. 
Doing.  Doing sees the needs around him and knows that he will simply do what he can do.  It may not be much, may not seem like much, but he knows that it is better to give what you can, or do what you can do than to do nothing.  He knows that smiling at a stranger, being kind to the rude, or offering a helping hand, giving someone one dollar, even if they need $1,000, because he had a dollar...He knows that doing something is better than doing nothing.  He is aware of what goes on around him, and wants to do what he can when opportunity arises.  He gives out of what he has, even if it isn't much.
Waiting.  Waiting always considers his own needs first.  Waiting never has enough.  He never has enough money or time.  He can't stop to listen to someone hurting because he is busily heading somewhere else.  He doesn't have a dollar to spare because he is saving his money for something else.  He doesn't have extra food because "what if" his paycheck isn't as big next week and he needs the stash of yummies in the pantry...He can't let someone who needs a roof use his spare room because someone in his family "might" be coming to stay sometime this year, and "what if" it's at that same time???  He worries, he saves to the extreme, and makes sure he takes care of #1 first.

A sweet woman spoke at an Upwards Basketball game this year.  She used Isaiah 58 as her text.  And what stuck with me was a simple truth.  The time is now.  If you have a penny, give a penny.  Your penny matters.  If you have a loaf of bread, give a loaf of bread.  You bread counts.  She was saying so many of us keep waiting until this bill is paid off, or we save this much, or after this event or that birth, finish school..etc etc... The point is is that there are endless things and circumstances.  She was referring to fostering kids.  Her point was that we can all think of 100 reason to wait, or why the time isn't right.  She was saying that if we do that, there will never be a good, or right time.  I also thought her speech applied to any deed or opportunity that arises.  

How about just make available who we are right now, 
and what we have right now?  

1 comment:

  1. Yes. And what you wish you could do for all, do for one! We just started Safe Families through Bethany Christian. So excited to host a little girl next month!
