Friday, April 20, 2012

Delightful Fruity Goodness

well, WELL, well~!
I cannot believe I haven't blogged here since December~!  Well I can if you consider the fact that our household increased again:)  And then b-day's, Holiday's, out of town guests....I guess I can believe it:)

to tell you that 
LOVE NEVER never NEVER fails.
That smile you give when someone looks sad.  Or you are kind when someone is not.
Those things are ALWAYS something because

Today I will tell a very shortened version of a girl dear to our heart named Tee.  That's what we'll call her.  She would just die if she knew I named her that. HA:)! January 2011, Tee was placed in our lives.  We loved her.  We helped her.  We visited her.  We took her shopping.  We spoiled her as much as we could.  We almost became her foster parents!  But God had another plan.  (Josh spent a small FORTUNE on her!:) )
For some time we thought we might have some regrets...definitely some lessons learned. One thing we knew is that we followed God, and without doubt HE lead the way.  Sometimes it felt like it was for nothing, but we knew God had a plan, even if we never got to see exactly what.  
We were out of touch with her for a time in 2011 and then toward then end of the year we got back in touch again.  She thought she had burned bridges with us.  And we said NO WAY!  We loved you girl.  Just how you are and were.  She started hanging out again, going to church etc.  Of course some out to eats and shopping:)  Then one beautiful baptism Sunday, she feels God tugging at her heart, and GETS BAPTIZED in front of the whole church.   After that the changes she started making in her life were astounding.  God showed up big time in her circumstances!  
In January she got an amazing opportunity to go away to school.  So we had her over for a special dinner.  We all shared our special memories of her, and we all prayed over her.  At the end of dinner she told us that for a long time she struggled with believing God.  She said all the people she had met that professed to be Christians were pretty miserable.  She said in meeting us it was different.  We were happy.  And it stood out to her.  We were so humbled.  

So all that to say.  For a time we could have thought that love failed.  BUT love never fails.  We were so privileged to see FRUIT!  But even when you don't, you can walk by faith saying 

1 comment:

  1. I love this story Mel! How wonderful to see the fruit of your love!
