Sunday, September 9, 2012

The smallest thing for you, might be the BiGgEsT thing for the kids!

Our sweet dear Missy moved home with her family on June 2nd.  Easy transition?   No, not easy.  Hard work, and worth it.  Her dad worked so hard for one year to get his baby girl back. And he did it.  We are so proud of him.  We are also proud of Missy for always doing the next thing.  It sure seems like as soon as that girl gets settled in somewhere she is moved.  She has had to do some back and forth between foster care and her dad's house as they were in the adjustment phase.  But now she is there full time.  They are working so hard at learning how to be a family and we are so happy for them.  

There are so many foster kids out there.  Such a large HUGE ginormous need.  What most people don't know is that there are ways to be involved without housing someone long term if you want to.  

One of the best ways I can think of is respite care.  You still get your foster license, but you can do short term help.  So if a foster family needs a rest for a day, you could do that.  Or if they are leaving town for a weekend, you could do that.  That would be a great way to influence and meet the kids.  And you would be meeting another huge need which is helping the foster parent to not burn out.

Missy lived with us for one year.  Man could we tell some stories!  Right Missy?:)  We sure have some giggles now over some of the things that girl would do.  Were we perfect?  Not even close.  Did we give what we could and do our best?  Yes, and yes.  

One of the hardest things for me as foster mom was that I felt as though I failed every day.  I don't say that for pity.  It is what it is.  I was so deficient in knowledge for her individual needs, that it was just hard for me to feel like I was giving enough, or the right stuff.  I also was juggling two little boys and then our newest one came smack dab in the middle of that year, so it became 3 little boys.  At any rate, God showed me that He was asking for my best.  Though I thought my best was extremely insufficient, it was what was required.  So I had to start to learn to rest in that and pray for wisdom and insight.  

The other verse that I love is:  LOVE NEVER FAILS   So while I felt totally insufficient, I was doing my best to agape love.  Which I know never ever fails.  So I would rest in that. 

So, should you get involved?  If you can YES!  Please!  The smallest thing for you, might be the BIGGEST thing for them. 

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