Monday, December 19, 2011

CaN't KeEp QuIeT ~ Visiting Prison~

Wow, writing two days in a row!  

So yesterday I spent 2 hours in prison visiting someone.  Someone who has come to know the Lord.  Someone who has fought the path of addiction, drugs, and losing it all.  Someone who lost all FOUR of her children.  It was quite an experience.  Just on the front of, wow, this place actually exists.  And look at all these women, and children.  For the most part it was a very sad scene.  The person i visited with actually had hope.  Honestly, thinking back on it, I feel a little nausea.  It's a really sad place.  Surreal...When we first got there Josh accidentally dropped us at Maximum Security and it was the guard tower guy radioing down to the lower guy who quickly wanted to know what we were doing:)  OOPS:)  Wrong building!

That's where some foster kids go see their parents.

So the promised list!!  Depending on how involved you want to be....but #1 is the most coveted

1.  The BIG KAHUNA ~ PRAY ~ PRAY ~ PRAY!!!  Support the kids, foster parents, and birth family of these kids in PRAYER!!!  They need it soo much!
2.  Be supportive.  If you know someone doing foster care, encourage them.
3. Encourage the foster kids. 
4.  Offer rides.  If you have a driver's license and insurance and don't mind someone snapping a picture of it, you could offer to help with rides to appointments.  Foster kids usually have multiple appointments outside of school every week.
5.  Help foster parents get some time out.
6.  Build relationships with foster kids.  Mentor, do coffee, hang out, ice, etc.  Or have them over to play with your own kids.
7.  Get licensed for respite care.  That's when you watch someone's foster kids for a weekend or some type of overnight.
8.  Take the plunge and get licensed.  

God is faithful to nudge the heart, and show you the level of involvement.    
I pray this encourages the nudged, even to a step of faith!!
  And thanks the helpful and encouraging.  
Thanks for opening your heart and mind to these kids. 
 Pray life, hope, love, and peace over them.

Romans 15:13
May the God of HOPE fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may OVERFLOW with HOPE by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Overflow some of that hope onto some people today!!  

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