Tuesday, December 20, 2011

8 Year old boy

I wish so much that I could put a face and name with the stories I know or have been given.  Even since starting this people are contacting me with stories.  This is a big problem in our society.  I'm praying God will open people's hearts and minds to pray, and help in any way they can.

Today, a sweet little 8 year old boy....we'll call Bill.  That is not his name!  Not even close!  But he reminds me a little of Bill Cosby.  He's just silly like that.  So that's what I'll call him.  He has been to our house.  I have been around him quite a bit.  I don't even know all the details of his story, but i know the basic outline.  And believe me, it's enough to break your heart.

Sweet Bill was adopted from Haiti by a couple in Cali when he was about 9 months old.  In the toddler years, I'm not sure why, but they decided they didn't want him anymore.  (Let's not judge here.  Who knows what was going on...)  But that does leave poor Bill once again alone.  No one to trust.  So into the system he goes.  Then another young couple who were not able to have kids adopt him.   A little while later they get pregnant.  And a little while after that, pregnant again.  Guess what?  Once again poor little Bill gets given up.  Back into the system he goes.  Now having lived in an orphanage in Haiti, to 2 fAiLeD adoptions...to a good foster home right now.  But it is not permanent.  Do you think he would believe it even if it was?  

Bill came over and played with Hudson last Friday night for a few hours.  They were dressed as Superman, The Hulk, Bumblebee, and then Batman.  Every time I turned around there was another superhero standing there.  They had a blast.  I pray the love of God touched his heart and soul.  Hudson prays for him every single night without prompting.

"Bill" and Hudson picking a toy at Target:)

Bottom line.  Please pray.  Pray for these children.  I'm trying to follow the example of my 6 year old.  You just ask God.  You just tell him about it.  

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