Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Little Miss

A little girl for one week!
What a delight!  Braids, coloring, choosing outfits...too much fun!  
I smile inside to think what a fun time that was for me....and how much I look forward to having a little girl of our own soon!!!  

Sweet Little Miss is what we will call this one...it truly describes her well.
The pain my heart feels when I think of these little ones.  Ripped from their homes.  No fault of their own.  Eyes wide open to adult issues, but looking through the eyes of a babe.  Oh they are so precious.  They state such horrendous things so matter of factly.  Unfortunately it IS normal for them.  It is their reality.  
Ripped from home twice now.
Lucky for this one, at least the same foster home was available to her both times.  For many this is not the case.
Then begins all the appointments, social workers, counselor's, all the people trying to help repair broken, hurt families and people.

I took her twice to have supervised visits with her mom.  It felt so strange to pick her up and take her away from her mom.  All I could think to do was to promise her mom how well I would care for her daughter.  I did my best to treat her like a princess for a week.  I told her how much God loved her and no one could ever take that or change that.  We prayed, told stories, did braids, curls, went shopping, she helped me cook:)  We went for bike rides, kept a diary every day of her stay...

Every last one we have had the chance to care for stays in a special place in our hearts.  I will always wonder about them and always pray for them.  I think Little Miss was our last one for now.  Our adoption is coming up and we will be focusing on our new daughter!!  I can't wait!

Foster care is a HUGE need in our society.  There are many ways to be involved.  If you feel so nudged just know God always provides.  Somehow every detail always worked out, and I know that that 'somehow' was God keeping His promise to help us.

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